Sunday, November 28, 2010

The Russians Have Come! And Gone. New Traditions.

Naomi and Abby
Naomi's Birthday Cupcakes

Since moving up to the North Country we have also started a few new traditions.  Both of our girls left great best friends in Jenkintown, PA.  Thank God for cell phone plans that give unlimited texting allowing the girls to stay connected.  But I wander.  The new tradition for Abby and us is that our Russian-born friends come to visit Thanksgiving each year, which also happens to be right around their daughter Naomi's birthday.  Naomi and Abby, both 6th graders, are soul mates.

It's wonderful that two children, Abby (Chinese-born and adopted by us ten years ago) and Naomi (American-born with parents born in St. Petersburg, Russia) would be able to meet and become good friends.  I know as a child growing up during the Cold War and Vietnam this scenario would have been unthinkable.  The Cold War brought bomb drills at elementary school where school children like me were led into the hallways and sat on the floor with our heads down to be safe when the Russians launched nuclear bombs on us. The picture below illustrates another method to be "safe".  This picture is courtesy of I Remember JFK where you can find additional details of this great time in American history.

 The Vietnam War brought daily news and pictures of war being fought by boys not much older than me.   And pictures of flag-draped caskets of those who would never see their family again.  I remember being told about the domino effect, that if we didn't fight and  the North Vietnamese won the Chinese would then stream down and take over South Vietnam then all of Southeast Asia and eventually the world.

No, I would never have believed that I would adopt a daughter born in China whose bff was the daughter of Russian immigrants.  Just goes to show you how great this world is.

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving.

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